If you have a mig welder or generator you know how expensive of an investment they are. You also know how important they can be when you are working out in the field. Nothing is worse than when you are ready for a full day of work and your welder or generator dies on you.
By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that you are extending the life of your welder/generator for as long as possible and you don’t have to spend large sums of money fixing it or getting a new one.
Follow the Instructions in the User Manual
Just like all equipment and power tools, your welder comes with a user manual. Some people use machines without ever using the manual but this is definitely not a good idea. The user manual to your welder has thousands of important details that you need to be sure to know including when to do maintenance, what oil you should use, and the correct size for the filter you need.
Keep in mind that most user manuals can also be found online. The front of your welder should have the brand name and the model number, so you can just type those words into a search engine and the user manual should be available in PDF form online.
Use the Right Oil
All welders/generators need oil to be able to operate correctly. Oil is extremely important because it lubricates all the parts of the engine and keeps the metal parts from rubbing on each other. Oil is also used to cool the engine.
Some of the top reasons why welders do not last as long as they should is because the users are not using the right oil or they are not using enough oil. Make sure to refer to your user manual to see how often the oil needs to be changed and which oil you should be using.
Clean Your Welder Regularly
Unfortunately, there are many welders out there that do not clean their generators properly or at all. This step is often overlooked and seen as unimportant but it should definitely not be forgotten about.
Cleaning your welder is even more important if you have been storing it for a long time without using it. Make sure if you are storing the welder outside in a bar, that you put dryer sheets around it as this keeps mice and other creatures away.
All the dust and debris needs to be removed from the welder before you use it. One of the best ways to clean it out is to use a small compressed air machine. Just make sure you do not blow the compressed air into the fan or electrical parts of the generator.
You can use it to clean the fan, but put a finger on the blades so that they are not blowing and creating their own air as this can cause a back log of air that can damage the electrical parts of the welder.
Change the Filters
Most generators/welders have several air filters that need to be changed and cleaned periodically. The most important filter to change is the air filter. This filter is in charge of blocking out debris and dirt from getting into the welder.
If the air filter gets too much dirt into it and it becomes clogged, it will restrict the air coming into the engine and cause many different issues.
There are many different other air filters that also need to be changed including the oil filter. As oil gets older, some impurities will come into the oil but the filter will collect it so that the dirty oil does not get into the other parts of the machine.
If the filter gets too clogged it will not be able to collect impurities and then the dirty parts of the oil will be able to get in all parts of the machine.
Break Your Welder In
Like a pair of running shoes or hiking boots, welders need to be broken in. Most of the time, they should not be overused or used for large tasks in the first few weeks that you own them. During the first few weeks, welders will also use oil a lot faster, so make sure you are adding in oil more often even though it can be expensive to do so.
You also need to be more careful with welders that idle in the first few weeks of use. Make sure to do the necessary adjustments to ensure your machine is operating well and broken in.
Only Use the Load the Welder Can Handle
Most of the things you will do to prolong the life of your welder deal with doing maintenance and ensuring that all the parts are in good shape before using it so that there is no damage or other issues.
However, one of the main things you should do is to always know how much of a load the engine in your welder can handle.
Before you buy the welder, consider the projects you will be doing and what you will be using the welder for. Then, try to buy a welder that has the right amount of power you need.
If you already own your welder, make sure you know how much the equipment can handle. There are many guides you can find online to give you the answers to how much of a load your welder can handle.
You can also take your welder to a welding supplies store as the professionals there can always help.
Final Thoughts
Your welder is with you whenever you do work whether you are a professional welder or you just like to do home improvement projects that require a welder/generator. No matter why you use your welder, you always want to ensure that you are taking all the necessary steps to prolong its life as they are an expensive investment.
By following the tips in this guide, you should be able to have a welder that lasts you for years and years to come.