Have you wondered if anyone is keeping an eye on your internet activities? In the digital world today, one can do anything online, you produce data through various activities as well as communications that you do online. But, prying eyes make use of these footprints to destroy, steal, and alter all your credentials as well as use them for some fraudulent activities that you have no knowledge of.

Suppose you wish to store, receive, and send BTC, it is important to get the safe and secure Bitcoin wallet that is suited to your device and OS. Technically, there’re not any real Bitcoins stored in the wallet, as Bitcoin is one kind of network that has lists of various transactions. But, a wallet stores the private key — it is a safe digital code that only the owner knows about.
Select the Bitcoin Wallet that Suits your Requirements
What’s a Bitcoin wallet? It is one kind of specialized electronic system that is for sending, receiving, storing, and even tracking down digital currencies. You will find different kinds of crypto wallets on the internet, so it is very important to select one, which fits your trading and storage requirements. Another important thing that you need to consider is a provider of digital wallets. Ensure you get one from a reputable and reliable source. Some of the crypto exchanges offer users the safe and secure BTC wallet free—you can check out online for more details!
Check out bitcoin prime to know more about how to trade safely using bitcoin prime application.
Make Use Of Secure Internet
When trading and making any kind of crypto transactions online, make sure you use just the safe internet connection as well as avoid any public WiFi networks. While accessing the home network also, make sure you use the VPN for extra security. The VPN gives different IP addresses or locations, so it helps to keep your browsing private and safe from the threat actors.
Keep Private key Offline
Another important thing you can do to protect your bitcoin wallet is by taking the private key off and keeping this in the ‘real world’. Just writing down the private key over a paper can work, instead of saving this on an electronic device. Ensure you keep this in a dry place and protected from direct sunlight and heat, to avoid any kind of deterioration.
Allow two-factor Authentication
This is also one important thing to get your Bitcoin wallet with 2-factor authentication. This offers another security layer for the funds just by requiring the verification before finishing account activities such as signing in or withdrawing and sending funds. This may ask for the 2FA code, thus you know if somebody is looking to access your bitcoin wallet.
Use Advanced Antivirus Software Program
Whereas Windows users generally are exposed to several malware, most of the operating systems today have malicious programs. Thus, you must check if your device has an advanced and reliable antivirus program installed. As most cyber attacks make use of malware and viruses to access or tamper with the device, it’s very important you do the right device scan before you plan to install the wallet.
Make Sure to Keep the Software Updated
You need to make a habit of updating your software daily. The software updates allow you to get the latest improvements on the security and features fixes that your wallet requires. When turning on the automatic updates can be very less hassle for the users, still, it is perfect to get notified of the new software updates.
In this way, you will come to know what added functions are, so you will not get interrupted with the installation while you are in the middle of the transaction. You also can wait for some days before you plan to install any update and check if there is any bug that may affect your device or data.
Keep Separate Wallet for Daily Transactions
Suppose you want to make daily transactions, then good practice will be creating a separate wallet, which you may top up whenever necessary. There’s not any limit over how many BTC addresses and wallets that you may create.
Sorting out your transactions as well as keeping important ones separate can improve your portfolio safety.