Defeating Team GO Rocket Leader Sierra in Pokémon Go can be a formidable challenge, but with the right strategy and Pokémon lineup, you can emerge victorious. Here’s your guide (Leader Sierra Pokemon Go) to the best counters and weaknesses to leverage against Sierra in December 2024.
Understanding Sierra’s Lineup
Sierra’s lineup can vary, making her a dynamic opponent. As of December 2024, her potential Pokémon include Sneasel, followed by a mix of Pokémon like Lapras, Alakazam, and Shiftry. Her final Pokémon could be one of several, including Houndoom or Dragonite. Knowing her lineup helps in selecting the best counters.
Leader Sierra Pokemon Go: First Pokémon: Sneasel
Sneasel is a Dark/Ice-type Pokémon, making it vulnerable to Fighting, Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, and Fairy-type moves. Here are some effective counters:
- Lucario: With its Fighting and Steel moves, Lucario can swiftly deal with Sneasel.
- Conkeldurr: Known for its powerful Fighting-type moves, Conkeldurr is an excellent choice.
- Machamp: A classic counter with strong Fighting-type moves.
Second Pokémon: Lapras, Alakazam, or Shiftry
Lapras, a Water/Ice-type, is weak against Electric, Grass, Fighting, and Rock-type moves.
- Electivire: Its Electric-type moves are perfect for handling Lapras.
- Magnezone: Another Electric-type that can exploit Lapras’s weaknesses.
- Rampardos: With Rock-type moves, it can be effective against Lapras.
Leader Sierra Pokemon Go: Alakazam
Alakazam, a Psychic-type, is vulnerable to Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type moves.
- Tyranitar: Using Dark-type moves, Tyranitar can exploit Alakazam’s weaknesses.
- Gengar: A Ghost-type expert, Gengar can be a formidable opponent against Alakazam.
- Scizor: Its Bug-type moves make it a strong contender against Alakazam.
Shiftry is a Grass/Dark-type Pokémon, weak to Fighting, Fairy, Bug, Ice, Fire, and Flying-type moves.
- Togekiss: With Fairy-type moves, Togekiss can easily counter Shiftry.
- Darmanitan: Known for its Fire-type moves, Darmanitan can effectively deal with Shiftry.
- Heracross: A Bug/Fighting-type, Heracross can exploit Shiftry’s weaknesses.
Third Pokémon: Houndoom or Dragonite

Houndoom is a Dark/Fire-type Pokémon, weak to Fighting, Water, Rock, and Ground-type moves.
- Machamp: Its Fighting-type moves are effective against Houndoom.
- Rhyperior: With Rock and Ground-type moves, Rhyperior can easily counter Houndoom.
- Kyogre: Known for its Water-type moves, Kyogre is a great choice.
Leader Sierra Pokemon Go: Dragonite
Dragonite, a Dragon/Flying-type, is vulnerable to Ice, Rock, Dragon, and Fairy-type moves.
- Mamoswine: Its Ice-type moves make it an excellent counter to Dragonite.
- Gardevoir: With Fairy-type moves, Gardevoir is a strong choice.
- Rayquaza: Another Dragon-type, Rayquaza can take on Dragonite effectively.
By preparing your team with these strategic counters, you can stand a strong chance of defeating Leader Sierra in December 2024. Remember to adapt your strategy based on the lineup you encounter, and you’ll be well on your way to victory.