Vehicles are cool and all, but guess what makes them cooler? Kitting them out with some aftermarket performance parts. Most modern vehicles have been designed to perform, but with the right components, you can turn a good vehicle into a great vehicle. One that isn’t just alright to drive, but one that is truly enjoyable to drive.
MbenzGram, which is also known as MBGRAM, is one of the leading vehicle performance part companies in the US. They have produced countless blog posts about performance parts, and they often share their client builds. Taking advantage of this information, this post lists the best performance parts to help make a vehicle legit. While there are tons of upgrades you can make to your vehicle, get started with any of the ones on this list and even the best new vehicle can see improvements.
The Main Performance Upgrades
According to MbenzGram, the quickest way to soup up your vehicle is to give the engine an extra dose of power. That doesn’t mean swapping out the engine or anything like that. That would be expensive. Rather, there are a couple of extra components that could cool down the engine or boost the airflow, either of which would allow the engine to operate at peak performance.
Sure, there are other ways to boost your vehicle’s performance. Swapping out the tires or adding some aftermarket brake pads could do the trick. But, if you want your vehicle to feel fantastic while driving it and you want to feel raw power at your fingertips, then start by aiming to improve your engine first.
The Top Performance Parts To Make Your Vehicle Legit
MBGRAM, a California-based online car parts company, has a site loaded with top performance parts that can help make a vehicle legit. These aftermarket components will give your vehicle a much-needed performance boost. Add any of these to your car, and it will run like a dream.
Air Filters
MbenzGram recommends air filters as the best early upgrade you can make to a vehicle. Not only is replacing the air filter cheap, but it is also a quick way to boost vehicle performance and lower future maintenance costs.
When you drive a vehicle, all sorts of dust and grime will get kicked up and head in the general direction of the engine. The one defense your vehicle’s engine has is the air filter. The job of the air filter is to ensure that only clean air gets into the engine.
The problem is that many air filters are terrible. They clog easily, and many of them do not filter the air correctly. The result? Your engine will find it terribly difficult to ‘breathe.’ As anybody who has completed a science course will know, an engine needs air to work. Poor airflow means poor combustion, and poor combustion means poor performance.
If you can upgrade only one component in your vehicle, make it the engine’s air filter.
The job of your vehicle’s exhaust is to get all of the gasses produced by the engine out of your vehicle. If these gasses build up in your vehicle, they will drastically reduce performance.
The problem is that most stock exhausts aren’t that great. Just like the air filters, they clog easily. If they become clogged, then the gasses will be released much more slowly, causing a bit of a backup near the engine. However, even fresh stock exhausts aren’t brilliant, as they are not efficient at releasing gasses. In fact, in many vehicles, the exhaust can be a bit of a choke point.
MbenzGram suggests replacing stock exhausts with a quality performance exhaust system. It certainly won’t be the cheapest upgrade you can make to your vehicle, but you will feel the benefits almost as soon as you upgrade it.
Forced Air Induction: Turbochargers and Superchargers
There are two types of forced air induction systems:
- Turbochargers are essentially powered by the by-products of the engine‘s combustion process, i.e., the exhaust fumes.
- Superchargers, in contrast, are powered by the engine.
Both systems will force extra air into the engine. By now, it is clear that any extra air is important when it comes to vehicle efficiency. Although they accomplish this in different ways, we won’t go into the details here. What’s important to know is that turbochargers tend to be the best option for a low-powered engine, whereas superchargers are better for a higher-powered engine.
According to MbenzGram, both these components (and only one is needed) will provide an instant boost in performance.
Cold Air Intake
A vehicle’s engine has a cold air intake system. It has two goals:
- Cool down the engine.
- Boost the airflow.
If an engine overheats, performance will deteriorate and it will need more maintenance. Engines that are constantly driven to the point of overheating wear down quicker. So, cooling down the engine is vital.
The airflow is a bit of an odd one here, though. The cold air intake doesn’t actually boost the amount of air flowing into the system. Instead, it cools down the air flowing in. According to research, cold air has a higher oxygen density than warm air. This means that cold air provides your vehicle’s engine with more oxygen for the combustion process, boosting vehicle performance.
A look at MbenzGram’s completed client projects clearly shows that almost every one boasted a cold air intake. It wasn’t just for performance purposes either, as the cold air intake has a genuinely positive impact on the lifespan of a vehicle’s engine.
Nitrous Oxide Injection Kit

According to MbenzGram, it is necessary to do a bit of research before picking up a nitrous oxide injection kit. While these are a great way to boost your vehicle’s performance—and arguably one of the best—they are not legal everywhere.
These kits inject nitrous oxide (a gas) directly into the engine. When this happens, a bit of chemistry happens, and your vehicle’s engine will have more oxygen available for combustion.
Based on what MbenzGram has written before, it is worth noting that a nitrous oxide kit shouldn’t be used continuously. They can give a substantial boost to your vehicle’s horsepower, but only for a short time, like a few seconds. So, these kits are great if you want a quick boost in speed or acceleration but are not recommended for constant use. In fact, constant use could kill your engine.
Throttle Body
A common theme will be obvious by now: vehicle performance is all about how much quality air flows into your vehicle’s engine. A throttle body can assist with this. MbenzGram recommends any vehicle owner who is serious about boosting their vehicle’s power to invest in a quality throttle body upgrade.
Now, your vehicle already has a throttle body. Larger engines may have a couple of them. The job of the throttle body is to allow air to flow into the engine. Pushing the gas pedal on a vehicle causes the throttle body to open, allowing more oxygen to flow into the engine. As more oxygen flows in, other sensors are triggered, allowing more fuel to flow in too. Basically, these are all ingredients your engine needs to see a serious boost in power.
Upgrading your vehicle’s throttle body will make it much more responsive when stepping on the gas pedal. It gets fuel and air into the engine quicker, resulting in a serious horsepower boost.
An improved throttle body tends to work better in combination with other top-performance parts (particularly those that bump up the airflow), but companies like MbenzGram still recommend it as a basic upgrade to your vehicle, even without investing in a treasure trove of other performance parts.
Final Thoughts
Driving a vehicle shouldn’t just be about convenience. It should be about having fun. Sure, most modern vehicles perform well, but as MbenzGram has said repeatedly, you can always squeeze extra performance out of them. All that’s needed is a couple of cool performance parts and your vehicle will drive better than ever. While there are tons of parts on the market, the ones listed here are a great start. Ask anybody who has ever souped up their vehicle, and they will tell you the same thing.