Name has meaning. Parents and everyone usually give name for certain purposes. It can part of prayers for the person or it can be identification of the tribe, culture, or nationality. Thus, name is not just to identify a person but there can be deeper meanings that can be found in the name. In this case, even it is possible to know the origin of the person from the name. Ethnicity, nationality, and even race classification can be uncovered from the name. Of course, this is not simple process and it takes more than just simple knowledge because people should know various kinds of information regarding the names and backgrounds. Cultural values and other kinds of information are also required to analyze the name.
In this case, there is Namsor application that can be helpful to uncover the meaning and origin of the name based on the name and surnames of certain people. The process utilizes taxonomy gathered from many countries that will include sophisticated processes to uncover the meaning and origin of the name. In this case, name can contain information about the ancestors. When it is related to the ancestors, it is possible to know the ethnicity based on the ancestry and information about it. By doing so, the origin of the name can be discovered easily.
Related to the ethnicity, it is quite interesting things about the name. Until now where people can be considered more modern and even pay less attention to the ethnicity, it still becomes popular ways to name a person based on the ethnicity although it is more about group of people. When people come from the same group, mostly they share same similarities in term of the name. It may not be similar details of name although it can also be possible. However, it can be related to the traditional language of the ancestors that bear certain special meaning and it also sounds good when it is used as name. Thus, the meaningful word becomes name. By doing so, it is possible to know the origin of the person by understanding the words contained in the name.

Of course, it is easier when it is only tribe related to certain country. However, some countries can have many tribes and different cultures. It also includes the difference in local or traditional languages so things will be harder to know the specific origin. Then, there can also be case of diaspora where the people may no longer live in their birth place anymore. There can be many conditions that make it more sophisticated to uncover the origin of the name. However, regardless the complexity, it is surely interesting to know meaning of the names how it represents origin and other valuable information of the person. Thus, it is not just the matter of how people are called, but it truly becomes personal identity with deeper meaning in there. As for the Namsor application, it is nice access to know origin of person by referring and analyzing the name by using database that have been collected from the taxonomies and other resources.