The holiday season is upon us, and Pokemon Go is getting into the festive spirit with its Winter Wishes event. This limited-time event offers players the chance to catch special holiday-themed Pokemon, participate in exclusive raids, and complete special research tasks. But one aspect of the event has players buzzing with excitement and speculation: the choice between two paths in the Winter Wishes event. In this article, we’ll explore Pokemon choose a path or the two paths and why players believe one is the “obvious” choice.
Pokemon Choose A Path: What is the Winter Wishes Event?
The Winter Wishes event is a limited-time event in Pokemon Go that celebrates the holiday season. It runs from December 18th to December 31st and offers players the chance to catch holiday-themed Pokemon, participate in exclusive raids, and complete special research tasks.
During the event, players can also choose between two paths: the “Frosty Path” and the “Festive Path”. Each path offers different rewards and challenges, and players must choose which path to take at the beginning of the event.
The Frosty Path

The Frosty Path is all about the winter wonderland theme. Players who choose this path will encounter more ice-type Pokemon, such as Snover and Delibird, and will have the chance to catch a special holiday Pikachu wearing a festive hat.
Players on the Frosty Path will also have access to exclusive raids featuring holiday-themed Pokemon, such as Abomasnow and Vanilluxe. Completing these raids will earn players special rewards, including rare candy and stardust.
Pokemon Choose A Path: The Festive Path

The Festive Path, on the other hand, is all about the holiday party theme. Players on this path will encounter more party-themed Pokemon, such as Jigglypuff and Clefairy, and will have the chance to catch a special holiday Pikachu wearing a party hat.
Players on the Festive Path will also have access to exclusive raids featuring party-themed Pokemon, such as Wigglytuff and Mr. Mime. Completing these raids will earn players special rewards, including rare candy and stardust.
Why Do Players Think One Path is the “Obvious” Choice?
Since the announcement of the Winter Wishes event, players have been discussing and speculating about which path is the “better” choice. And while both paths offer unique rewards and challenges, many players believe that the Festive Path is the “obvious” choice.
The Appeal of the Festive Path
The Festive Path offers players the chance to catch party-themed Pokemon, which many players find more appealing than the ice-type Pokemon on the Frosty Path. Additionally, the Festive Path features exclusive raids with Pokemon that are not available in the game outside of this event, making it a more exciting and exclusive experience.
But the main reason players believe the Festive Path is the “obvious” choice is because of the special research tasks. Completing these tasks will earn players a special holiday-themed Pokemon, and many players believe that the Pokemon offered on the Festive Path is more desirable than the one on the Frosty Path.
Pokemon Choose A Path: The Special Research Tasks

The special research tasks on the Festive Path require players to catch specific party-themed Pokemon, such as Jigglypuff and Clefairy, and evolve them into their final form. Once completed, players will earn a special holiday-themed Pokemon, which many believe to be a shiny version of Delibird.
On the other hand, the special research tasks on the Frosty Path require players to catch specific ice-type Pokemon, such as Snover and Delibird, and evolve them into their final form. Once completed, players will earn a special holiday-themed Pokemon, which many believe to be a shiny version of Snover.
While both shiny Pokemon are desirable, many players believe that the shiny Delibird offered on the Festive Path is more desirable than the shiny Snover offered on the Frosty Path. This is because Delibird is a rarer Pokemon and has only been available in the game during limited-time events.
What Does Niantic Have to Say?
Niantic, the developers of Pokemon Go, have not officially commented on the speculation surrounding the two paths in the Winter Wishes event. However, they have hinted at the possibility of a shiny Delibird being available during the event.
In a recent tweet, Niantic shared a photo of a Delibird with the caption “Delibird is ready to deliver some holiday cheer! Keep an eye out for this festive Pokemon during the Winter Wishes event.” This has only fueled the speculation that the Festive Path is the “obvious” choice.
Conclusion: Pokemon Choose A Path
While both paths in the Winter Wishes event offer unique rewards and challenges, it seems that many players believe the Festive Path is the “obvious” choice. With its party-themed Pokemon, exclusive raids, and the possibility of a shiny Delibird, it’s no wonder players are excited about this path.
But ultimately, the choice between the two paths is up to each individual player. Whichever path you choose, the Winter Wishes event is sure to bring holiday cheer and excitement to Pokemon Go players around the world. Happy catching!