Singapore’s legal system can be very strict on criminal offenses. And the biggest dilemma most accused people face is whether they should or shouldn’t hire a lawyer. Most people prefer to represent themselves in court so as to avoid paying legal fees. The biggest downside of this approach is that the court will hold you as per the same standards as a lawyer. Therefore, should you make any legal blunders, it could cost you dearly. Depending on how serious the charges are, you will need to have a proper understanding of the law, which is something most people lack.
Other than the above, below are some of the main reasons why you should hire an attorney when facing criminal charges in Singapore.
A Criminal Attorney will Build and Implement a Strong Defense Strategy
The biggest advantage of hiring an experienced Singapore criminal lawyer is that they will create a strong defense strategy that is often used to give your case a more favourable outcome. On your own, coming up with a solid defense strategy is next to impossible especially if you have no prior knowledge of Singapore’s legal system.

Criminal tactics build a defense strategy by providing a convincing case theory related to the crime, they challenge pieces of evidence tabled in court and show how the prosecution is unable to prove their case in front of the court of law. Lawyers pair these tactics with convincing arguments and that’s why with an attorney by your side, there are better chances of getting a ruling that favours you.
They Prepare the Trial on Your Behalf
When charged with a criminal offense, one is usually in a state of stress and shock. And this makes it impossible for you to prepare for trial. That aside, preparing trials isn’t as easy as it may look. There is more to what you usually see in the courtroom. When it comes to preparing for a criminal case, one has to gather the relevant legal documents and evidence. Where would you even start if you were handling the preparation? The good news is, with a skilled attorney, you have nothing to worry about as they will not only represent but prepare for the trial on your behalf.
A Professional Criminal Lawyer will Give You Realistic and Accurate Assessment of Your Case
For an attorney who has handled similar cases in the past, they are going to be honest with you and give you realistic expectations. The benefit of this is that you can weigh out your options and make the right decision. The problem with self-representation is that you will only want the most favourable outcome for yourself and this doesn’t always happen.

After getting expert analysis from an assessment of evidence tabled against you, a lawyer also advises you on how best to tackle the case. He/she can advise you to plead guilty so that you can get a lower punishment.
Finally, a Lawyer will Fight for Your Rights
Whether guilty or not, it is the duty of your lawyer to fight for your legal rights. Because of the complexity of legal laws, most people don’t even know about their rights. A lawyer does and they will not stand any injustice committed against you. This is essential in ensuring you get a fair trial. Moreover, using their legal advice, you will know about your rights and when to use them during the case.
Having a lawyer by your side is critical when facing a criminal charge in Singapore. Using their legal knowledge, experience, and skills, they put you in a better position that can help you get a favourable outcome.