Commercial dryers require regular care and maintenance than common dryers. This is because these dryers dry many clothes on a daily basis compared to a home dryer. Due to the lot of work they do, you should do commercial dryer vent cleaning regularly to keep them working as usual. They could pose a significant risk if due to dirt fire breaks out.

Employees working in different companies using commercial dryers should be taught about safety precautions and how to clean dryer vents to reduce hazards. Here are some of the signs they should look for to know when commercial dryer vent cleaning is necessary:
1. A Lot Of Time Being Spent In Drying
When dirt and lint block the commercial dryer vent, then the machine is likely to become less efficient hence, the long time spends on drying clothes. The lint is therefore supposed to be removed to allow air to flow freely out the machine reducing the time consumed in drying clothes.
2. The Machine Overheating
Another way to know if your commercial dryer vent requires cleaning is if the machine begins to overheat after drying clothes. When the warm air from the dryer does not flow freely outside, it ends up accumulating inside the machine causing it to overheat. Continued overheating can cause serious damages to the machine, which may be expensive to repair. Overheating is very dangerous as it lead to a fire outbreak. Regular cleaning of the vent not only prevents overheating but also mechanical damages.
3. Burning Smell From Clothes
When clothes come out of the dryer smelling like they are burnt, it is a sign of overheating. If the clothes begin to smell burnt, it means the dryer is overheating and you need to look for commercial dryer vent cleaning services.
4. Warm Laundry Room
If you notice that the laundry room is warm and humid after cleaning, then the dryer vent requires a thorough cleaning. The warm hair that is not flowing outside could be the one causing the room to be warm.
It is advisable to hire professionals with knowledge and experience to carry out commercial dryer vent cleaning in your home. This is because they have the necessary tools fit for the cleaning preventing possible damage when using the inappropriate tools. Cleaning of the commercial dryers is a bit complex compared to residential home dryers. If you clean the dryers on your own then you need to hire a professional to check up on your machines occasionally.
Cleaning of commercial dryers can be scheduled to be done every three to five years with professional inspections being done every year. Cleaning of the commercial dryers is not as often as the home dryer vents. This is because the machine is designed to dry many clothes and for them to clog may take a long time.
Remember that while you can DIY your dryer vents, when it has been a long time without cleaning your commercial dryer vents, look for an expert to clean them.