To make IVF treatment better, some new techniques have been added to ART over time. So that the treatment of infertility can be precise and strong. In the case of infertility, we get to see many different types of complex conditions, but IVF treatment doesn’t need to be effective for every complex condition of infertility. Different techniques of ART are used to achieve success in different cases of infertility. If you are also struggling with the problem of infertility, then you can get it treated at the Best IVF Center in Delhi.
There is no doubt that IVF treatment has been the most successful of all the fertility options available in ART. But despite this, we have seen that women who want to conceive at an older age often face failure after IVF treatment. However, this is not only with older women, some women have to struggle with infertility even after multiple cycles of IVF. There was a need to further improve fertility treatments for such complex cases of infertility, and many fertility treatments have come into existence in the year 2024.
With the addition of new ART options, fertility treatment has become better, more precise and efficient than ever before. But the question is “Latest IVF techniques available in Delhi and their benefits.” As an IVF centre or clinic, it depends on how aware you are about your field, as the Best IVF Centre in Delhi, it is your responsibility to know about the latest techniques and new equipment and make them a part of your centre. Making new techniques and equipment a part of your centre is not just an investment but a way to get success in the treatment and increase the success rate of your centre.
Let us know about the “Latest IVF Techniques Available in Delhi and Their Benefits”.
Use of Artificial Intelligence in IVF – During the last year, we all heard a lot about AI, and whatever we have heard is good. However many of you will be surprised to know that AI can prove to be helpful in IVF treatment as well. With the help of AI, it becomes easier for the embryologist to choose the right nourished egg and sperm, so that the right embryo can be prepared in the lab, and with the help of this embryo, pregnancy will be possible.
Time-lapse Fetal Monitoring – Time-lapse fetal monitoring means you can get all kinds of information about the embryo quickly. The results can be known from the preparation of the embryo in the lab to after the embryo transfer, and thus as an embryologist, it proves helpful to choose the right embryo. In time-lapse fetal monitoring, embryo development can be continuously monitored using microcameras inside the incubator. With the help of time-lapse fetal monitoring, you can know how the embryo is going to behave.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) – Genetics play an important role in almost all types of diseases, and the problem of infertility is also one of them. Earlier, when people used to get treatment, they used to fail, but many times the reason for failure was not known. For such a situation, preimplantation genetic testing was made a part of ART. Before transferring the embryo prepared in the lab to the uterus, with the help of PGT it is found out whether there is a genetic effect on the embryo or not. In this way, choosing the right embryo becomes easy.
Laser-Assisted Hatching – One of the newly added fertility treatments in ART is the Laser Assisted Hatching treatment technique. Many times, even after multiple cycles of IVF, a woman fails to conceive, the reason for failure is found to be the failure of the transferred embryo to implant in the uterine wall. Laser Assisted Hatching is used for such a situation.
Laser Assisted hatching uses the embryonic cell i.e. zona to thin so that the embryo can implant in the uterine wall and pregnancy can be possible. By doing this, the implantation and pregnancy rate increases, and LAH is used in cases of multiple failed IVF or in the case of women who want to achieve motherhood at the age of 37. We all know that as age increases, fertility starts getting affected and becoming a mother at the age of 37 is challenging.
Cryopreservation Process – As a couple, you want to be completely stable and then start a family, but no one knows how long it will take. In such a situation, as a couple, you have the option to freeze and store your embryos using the cryopreservation process. So that in the future when you think of having a family, you can use your embryos to have children, and in this way, you become the biological parents of your child.
Stem Cell Treatment – This treatment option is usually used to regenerate damaged tissues of any part of the body. You may have found that many times, despite everything being right, you have failed to conceive naturally. When you get tested, it is found that the tissues of the ovaries have been damaged, due to which pregnancy has become problematic. In such a situation, you can take the help of stem cell treatment, stem cells can also repair the damaged tissues of the ovaries and pregnancy will be possible.
Ovarian Rejuvenation – Ovarian rejuvenation is a new member of fertility treatment technology and this emerging technique can play an important role in increasing the success of IVF treatment. With the help of this technique, the function of the ovaries is improved and fertility outcomes are improved. This technique is mostly used on women who have low ovarian reserve.
The passage of time is a sign of progress, and the same applies to IVF. IVF was invented as a treatment for infertility, but despite this, IVF treatment proved unsuccessful in some complicated cases. In such a situation, some new fertility treatment options were added to treat infertility. So that the treatment of infertility can be better, more accurate and stronger than before. With the help of these techniques, it will be effective in all cases of infertility and will provide the right result. If you also want to get the problem of infertility treated, then the IVF cost in Delhi will be appropriate for you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Does obesity affect the success of IVF?
Answer: Generally, everyone advises you to maintain a proper weight for IVF treatment. It cannot be said that being overweight causes infertility in women, but obesity is one of the major causes of infertility. Being overweight affects the egg.
Q2. How much should you weigh for IVF?
Answer: Many fertility treatment providers, including the NHS, require patients to have a body mass index (BMI) within the range of 19 to 30 before starting IVF treatment. Some providers consider a more limited BMI range of 19-25. If you are unsure, it is best to contact your doctor or clinic directly.
Q3. How many times can a woman undergo IVF?
Answer: When a couple fails to conceive naturally, they are advised to undergo IVF treatment. Normally a woman becomes pregnant after 3 to 4 IVF treatments, but after repeated failure of IVF treatment, it is advisable to change the eggs or donor.
Q.4.When do most IVFs fail?
Answer- IVF failure means that when the embryo is transferred to the uterus the embryo comes out of its zona (cell) and implants in the wall of the uterus, but if this does not happen, IVF fails.
Q.5.What is the latest technology in IVF?
Answer – Many new technologies have been added to IVF, which makes IVF treatment better and more robust. Latest technologies – Use of artificial intelligence in IVF, time-lapse embryo monitoring, preimplantation genetic testing, laser-assisted hatching, cryopreservation procedure, stem cell treatment and ovarian rejuvenation.