An excruciating toothache can disrupt your day and night and take its toll. Home remedies may help temporarily relieve symptoms until you see a dentist.
Salt water rinses can both relieve discomfort and remove bacteria from your mouth. Simply mix one teaspoon оf salt into warm water, swish around іn your mouth for several seconds, then spit іt out afterwards.
If you’re experiencing a toothache іn the West Palm Beach area, it’s essential tо seek professional dental care from qualified West Palm Beach dentists as soon as possible.
Clove Oil
Clove oil contains high concentrations of eugenol, an analgesic agent found naturally within clove plants that is widely used to relieve toothache-related discomfort. It may even help relieve headaches.
Pure clove oil can be too concentrated for topical application and must first be diluted. A carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil works great as an agent to dilute it before dabbing cotton balls or swabs into it before applying it directly onto areas of mouth that hurt.
Repeat this home remedy every two to three hours until your toothache subsides, though beware using this approach as an alternative to seeing a professional dental provider.
Cold Compress
Many people use cold compresses to ease inflammation and pain associated with toothaches, and as a quick and easy solution you can even do it at home! It is an affordable, quick, and hassle-free option that works wonders!
Ice can provide fast relief of acute discomfort and help manage pain and swelling until a dentist visit can be scheduled.
Clove oil is another natural antiseptic that can be applied directly to an affected area in order to numb pain and reduce inflammation. Featuring eugenol as its active ingredient, clove oil works similarly to toothpaste in this regard. Diluted with carrier oils or directly applied using cotton balls.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide rinse can be an effective treatment for toothache. The topical solution works to kill bacteria and promote healing while at the same time soothing gum irritations and burns. You should dilute it with water in order to avoid burning and stinging of gums. You could also try making a peppermint rinse to relieve pain in that area.
Clove oil contains antiseptic properties that can help relieve toothache pain. You could also try applying cotton balls soaked in thyme oil or olive oil containing thymol, an active component in thyme that has proven helpful for relieving such symptoms.
Baking Soda
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an everyday essential that may temporarily relieve tooth pain. Baking soda’s many uses include helping baked goods rise, relieving heartburn and acting as an antacid against heartburn; acting as an antacid in cases of heartburn relief and as an effective mouth rinse against plaque acids that cause gingivitis or cavities.
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one glass of water and rinse your mouth for thirty seconds before spitting out. Do this up to twice every day.
Guava Leaves
Guava leaves can help soothe toothache pain and treat mouth sores by providing anti-inflammatory benefits that reduce swelling and kill germs. They contain essential vitamins such as Vitamin C, A and potassium.
Simply chewing fresh guava leaves is enough to provide immediate relief from sore teeth, or boiling the leaves can create your own homemade mouthwash for daily rinsing of teeth and gums. Guava leaves can also help combat bacteria infections while improving circulation in gums for greater oral health overall.
Garlic (Allium sativum) boasts antibacterial and anticarcinogenic properties that may help alleviate toothaches. A garlic paste made up of crushed cloves mixed with some salt may provide instantaneous relief from a painful tooth.
This bulb-shaped vegetable belongs to the onion family and shares characteristics with leeks, chives and scallions. When cooked it has an intensely pungent aroma which soon turns sweet.
Mix one teaspoon of salt with warm water, and use this saline rinse to rinse your mouth for several minutes, before spitting it out. It can help reduce inflammation while clearing away harmful bacteria.
Vanilla Extract
Vanilla extract contains alcohol and is an antioxidant, making it an excellent way to soothe pain. Simply dab some vanilla extract on your teeth and gums directly for immediate relief; but keep in mind this solution should only provide temporary relief until you visit a dentist.
Prevention is always best, and using fluoride toothpaste and having regular 6-month dental cleanings are excellent ways of doing just that. But in case a toothache occurs before seeing a dentist, there are numerous natural ways of relieving pain such as applying clove oil directly on the area, rinsing with hydrogen peroxide solution or chewing raw garlic as ways out.