Unleash Warframe Rewards with the Power of Promo Codes
Stepping into the world of Warframe, you have the opportunity to make the experience even more rewarding with the use of promotional codes. These codes can be redeemed for a wide range of free in-game items, including Glyphs, Weapons, and Boosters. Here we bring you the freshest batch of Warframe codes, valid for August 2023.
Warframe promo codes, graciously offered by the diligent team at Digital Extremes, come around more often than you’d think. They provide players with a whole array of enticing rewards, from attractive Glyphs to the sporadic distribution of weapons, cosmetics, or even Platinum drops.
So, as you chart your thrilling journey through the endlessly expanding Warframe universe, don’t forget to capitalize on these codes and augment your gaming experience.
The Current Batch of Warframe Promo Codes (August 2023)
Below is a compilation of all the redeemable Warframe codes for this month. They offer free Glyphs and the Golden Hand Decoration among other rewards.
Although fresh codes may be a tad scarce, be sure to revisit this page for updates. We’ll promptly enrich our list with new offerings as soon as they’re unveiled.
Some new additions have been made, but note that only three DUVIRI codes can be redeemed, each guaranteeing you some free goodies.
Prime Gaming members, take note! You have until November 14, 2023, to claim the Octavia Iridos Bundle. Simply hit the purple ‘Get in-game content’ button once logged into your account on the site.
Codes and corresponding rewards are as follows:

- DUVIRI-FURZE (Redeem to get a Hikou, Battering Maneuver, Cunning Drift, and Tenno colour palette)
- PARVOS (Golden Hand Decoration)
Warframe Glyph Codes
Here is an extensive list of Glyph codes along with their respective rewards. Redeem them to get your desired Glyph.
A-F Codes
Code | Reward |
AdmiralBahroo | AdmiralBahroo Glyph |
AeonKnight86 | AeonKnight86 Glyph |
AGayGuyPlays | AGayGuyPlays Glyph |
AlainLove | AlainLove Glyph |
AlexanderDario | AlexanderDario Glyph |
Amprov | Amprov Glyph |
AngryUnicorn | AngryUnicorn Glyph |
AnjetCat | AnjetCat Glyph |
AnnoyingKillah | AnnoyingKillah Glyph |
AshiSogiTenno | AshiSogiTenno Glyph |
Avelna | Avelna Glyph |
Aznitrous | Aznitrous Glyph |
BigJimID | BigJimID Glyph |
BrazilCommunityDiscord | BrazilCommunityDiscord Glyph |
Bricky | Bricky Glyph |
BrotherDaz | BrotherDaz Glyph |
Brozime | Brozime Glyph |
BurnBxx | BurnBxx Glyph |
Bwana | Bwana Glyph |
CaleyEmerald | CaleyEmerald Glyph |
Casardis | Casardis Glyph |
CephalonSquared | CephalonSquared Glyph |
CGsKnackie | CGsKnackie Glyph |
ChacyTay | ChacyTay Glyph |
Char | Char Glyph |
Chelestra | Chelestra Glyph |
Cleonaturin | Cleonaturin Glyph |
CohhCarnage | CohhCarnage Glyph |
Conquera2022 | Conquera2022 Glyph |
CopyKavat | CopyKavat Glyph |
Cpt_Kim | Cpt_Kim Glyph |
DanielTheDemon | DanielTheDemon Glyph |
DasterCreations | DasterCreations Glyph |
DatLoon | DatLoon Glyph |
DayJobo | DayJobo Glyph |
DebbySheen | DebbySheen Glyph |
Deejayknight | Deejayknight Glyph |
DeepBlueBeard | DeepBlueBeard Glyph |
Depths | Depths Glyph |
DeuceTheGamer | DeuceTheGamer Glyph |
Disfusional | Disfusional Glyph |
DillyFrame | DillyFrame Glyph |
DimitriV2 | DimitriV2 Glyph |
DjTechLive | DjTechLive Glyph |
DkDiamantes | DkDiamantes Glyph |
DNexus | DNexus Glyph |
Eduiy16 | Eduiy16 Glyph |
ElDanker | ElDanker Glyph |
ElGrineerExiliado | ElGrineerExiliado Glyph |
EliceGameplay | EliceGameplay Glyph |
Elnoraeleo | Elnoraeleo Glyph |
Emojv | Emojv Glyph |
EmpryeanCap | EmpryeanCap Glyph |
ExtraCredits | ExtraCredits Glyph |
FacelessBeanie | FacelessBeanie Glyph |
FashionFrameIsEndGame | FashionFrameIsEndGame Glyph |
FeelLikeAPlayer | FeelLikeAPlayer Glyph |
FloofyDwagon | FloofyDwagon Glyph |
FromThe70s | FromThe70s Glyph |
FrostyNovaPrime | FrostyNovaPrime Glyph |
Frozenballz | Frozenballz Glyph |
G-O Codes
Code | Reward |
Gara | Gara Glyph |
GermanCommunityDiscord | GermanCommunityDiscord Glyph |
Gingy | Gingy Glyph |
GlamShatterSkull | GlamShatterSkull Glyph |
Golden | Golden Glyph |
GrindHardSquad | GrindHardSquad Glyph |
HappinesDark | HappinesDark Glyph |
H3DSH0T | H3DSH0T Glyph |
Homiinvocado | Homiinvocado Glyph |
HotShomStories | HotShomStories Glyph |
Hydroxate | Hydroxate Glyph |
Iflynn | Iflynn Glyph |
Ikedo | Ikedo Glyph |
InfoDiversao | InfoDiversao Glyph |
IWoply | IWoply Glyph |
JamieVoiceOver | JamieVoiceOver Glyph |
JessiThrower | JessiThrower Glyph |
JoeyZero | JoeyZero Glyph |
Joriale | Joriale Glyph |
JustRLC | JustRLC Glyph |
K1llerBarbie | K1llerBarbie Glyph |
KavatsSchroedinger | KavatsSchroedinger Glyph |
KingGothaLion | KingGothaLion Glyph |
Kirarahime | Kirarahime Glyph |
Kiwad | Kiwad Glyph |
Kr1ptonPlayer | Kr1ptonPlayer Glyph |
Kretduy | Kretduy Glyph |
LadyTheLaddy | LadyTheLaddy Glyph |
LeoDoodling | LeoDoodling Glyph |
LeyzarGamingViews | LeyzarGamingViews Glyph |
L1feWater | L1feWater Glyph |
LiliLexi | LiliLexi Glyph |
IISlip | IISlip Glyph |
LynxAria | LynxAria Glyph |
Macho | Macho Glyph |
MadFury | MadFury Glyph |
Makarimorph | Makarimorph Glyph |
McGamerCZ | McGamerCZ Glyph |
McMonkeys | McMonkeys Glyph |
MHBlacky | MHBlacky Glyph |
MichelPostma | MichelPostma Glyph |
MikeTheBard | MikeTheBard Glyph |
MissFwuffy | MissFwuffy Glyph |
Mogamu | Mogamu Glyph |
MrSteelWar | MrSteelWar Glyph |
NineYear22 | NineYear22 |
NoSympathyy | NoSympathyy Glyph |
OddieOwl | OddieOwl Glyph |
OriginalWickedFun | OriginalWickedFun Glyph |
OrpheusDeluxe | OrpheusDeluxe Glyph |
P-T Codes

Code | Reward |
PammyJammy | PammyJammy Glyph |
Pandaah | Pandaah Glyph |
PlagueDirector | PlagueDirector Glyph |
PocketNinja | PocketNinja Glyph |
PostiTV | PostiTV Glyph |
Pride2022 | Pride 2022 Glyph and Decoration |
PrimedAverage | PrimedAverage Glyph |
ProfessorBroman | ProfessorBroman Glyph |
Purkinje | Purkinje Glyph |
Pyrah | Pyrah Glyph |
QTCC | QTCC Glyph |
QTCC2 | QTCC2 Glyph |
RagingTerror | RagingTerror Glyph |
Rahetalius | Rahetalius Glyph |
RainbowWaffles | RainbowWaffles Glyph |
RebelDustyPinky | RebelDustyPinky Glyph |
Relentlesszen | Relentlesszen Glyph |
ReyGanso | ReyGanso Glyph |
Rippz0r | Rippz0r Glyph |
Ritens | Ritens Glyph |
RoyalPrat | RoyalPrat Glyph |
RustyFin | RustyFin Glyph |
R/Warframe | r/Warframe Glyph |
Sapmatic | Sapmatic Glyph |
SarahTsang | SarahTsang Glyph |
ScarletMoon | ScarletMoon Glyph |
SerdarSari | SerdarSari Glyph |
Sharlazard | Sharlazard Glyph |
ShenZhao | ShenZhao Glyph |
Sherpa | Sherpa Glyph |
Shul | Shul Glyph |
SillFix | SillFix Glyph |
SkillUp | SkillUp Glyph |
Smoodie | Smoodie Glyph |
Sn0wRC | Sn0wRC Glyph |
Strippin | Strippin Glyph |
StudioCyen | StudioCyen Glyph |
TaticalPotato | TaticalPotato Glyph |
Tanandra | Tanandra Glyph |
Tanchan | Tanchan Glyph |
TBGKaru | TBGKaru Glyph |
TinBears | TinBears Glyph |
TeaWrex | TeaWrex Glyph |
TennoForever | TennoForever Glyph |
TheGamio | TheGamio Glyph |
TheKengineer | TheKengineer Glyph |
TioMario | TioMario Glyph |
TioRamon | TioRamon Glyph |
TotalN3wb | TotalN3wb Glyph |
ToxickToe | ToxickToe Glyph |
TrashFrame | TrashFrame Glyph |
Triburos | Triburos Glyph |
U-Z Codes
Code | Reward |
UnrealYuki | UnrealYuki Glyph |
VAMP6X6X6X | VAMP6X6X6X Glyph |
Vamppire | Vamppire Glyph |
Varlinator | Varlinator Glyph |
VashCowaii | VashCowaii Glyph |
Vernoc | Vernoc Glyph |
VoidFissureBR | VoidFissureBR Glyph |
Voli | Voli Glyph |
VoltTheHero | VoltTheHero Glyph |
VVhiteAngel | VVhiteAngel Glyph |
Wanderbots | Wanderbots Glyph |
WarframeCommunityDiscord | WarframeCommunityDiscord Glyph |
WarframeRunway | WarframeRunway Glyph |
WarframeWiki | WarframeWiki Glyph |
WideScreenJohn | WideScreenJohn Glyph |
Woxli | Woxli Glyph |
Xenogelion | Xenogelion Glyph |
xxVampixx | xxVampixx Glyph |
YourLuckyClover | YourLuckyClover Glyph |
Zarionis | Zarionis Glyph |
Zxpfer | Zxpfer Glyph |
Can I Score Weapons with Warframe Promo Codes?
Regrettably, as of August 2023, there are no available codes to redeem free weapons. However, don’t lose heart. We’ll promptly inform you if any such information becomes available.
How to Redeem Codes
Redeeming Warframe codes is simple, regardless of whether you play on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or PC. The only catch is that you cannot redeem them in-game on any platform. Instead, follow these steps on an external website:
- Visit the official Warframe promo code page.
- Ensure you are logged in by hitting the ‘Login’ button at the top-right of the screen.
- Once logged in, click on the ‘Promo Code’ box, input your code, and hit ‘Submit Code’.
- If the code is valid, your rewards will be waiting for you in the game.
Exploring the Impact of Warframe Promo Codes
Warframe promo codes come in several categories, each offering its unique benefits:
These are essentially player avatars that can also function as sprays left behind during missions.
Boosters augment the quantity of resources players can gather.
Once in a while, a promo code may award a weapon or item.
Keep an eye out for Platinum codes. If you’re out of luck, don’t worry; we have a guide on how to earn some.
Additional Warframe Codes for Augmented Gaming Experience
Explore more rewarding gameplay experiences in Warframe through additional promo codes. Keep reading to unravel the in-game wealth hidden within these codes.
More About Warframe Glyph Codes
Among the numerous Warframe codes to improve your gaming experience, Glyph codes play a special role. They allow you to personalize your in-game character and leave your unique mark during a mission.
Importance of Warframe Glyph Codes
Not only do these Glyph codes add a touch of flair to your gaming, but they also give you a unique identity in the Warframe universe. Unleashing these codes gives your character an exclusive touch, letting you stand out from the crowd.
Applying Warframe Glyph Codes
To apply these codes, navigate to the official Warframe code redemption page. After logging in, simply enter the provided code into the promo code box and click ‘Submit Code’. Just like magic, your Glyph will be waiting for you in-game.
Get Ahead with Warframe Booster Codes
Boosters are a vital part of the Warframe game. They help you multiply your in-game resources, propelling you ahead in the game.
How Warframe Booster Codes Enhance Gameplay
Booster codes offer a specific enhancement for a limited time. For example, you might receive a booster that doubles your resource gain for a few days. Such boosters can provide a critical advantage, especially during challenging missions.
Activating Warframe Booster Codes
Activating booster codes follows the same process as with Glyph codes. Once logged into your account on the Warframe website, enter your promo code. You’ll find your boosted resources ready for use in your next gaming session.
The Rarity of Weapon Codes in Warframe

Warframe promo codes sometimes offer weapons and items. However, these are incredibly rare and are highly sought after.
Utilizing Warframe Weapon Codes
If you’re lucky enough to stumble upon a weapon code, the procedure for redemption remains the same. Enter the code in the ‘Promo Code’ box on the Warframe website, and your weapon will be waiting for you in the game.
Chasing Platinum with Warframe Codes
Last but not least, Platinum codes are the rarest and the most valuable. Platinum is a premium in-game currency in Warframe, used for buying high-level gear or speeding up gameplay.
Unlocking Wealth with Warframe Platinum Codes
Unlocking Platinum codes can significantly elevate your gaming experience. This in-game currency enables you to buy exclusive items from the market, trade with other players, and enhance your game’s speed.
Remember, the art of maximizing your Warframe experience lies not just in gameplay but also in smartly utilizing these Warframe codes. So keep a lookout for these codes, and ensure you redeem them as soon as they are available.