At the start it can be unclear which programming language to choose first. In fact, there is no perfect language that once and for all define your career. Learning a new programming language is like learning another foreign language. First you need to decide what suits you best: frontend or backend. Now a lot of software development company specialize in web development, as it is in great demand.

Choosing a Direction.
The frontend, the backend, and all this stuff can make your head spin, so let’s make up our minds.
This is what the user sees and interacts with on the page. Design, visual elements, diagrams – the whole frontend. The tasks of the frontend are to make a site that will solve the owner’s problems, work equally correctly on all devices, regardless of browser and screen size, and still be user-friendly. Key tools: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Suitable for those who are meticulous to detail and want to see the result of his work.
The Backend
The invisible part of the site. The backend-developer is responsible for the things which are hidden from the user’s eyes and work on the server. For example: creates databases and programs that will write information into the database; encrypts passwords and valuable information; configures access and backup data systems; writes programs that process the information, invisible to the user.
There are several programming languages for the backend: PHP, Ruby, Python or Node.js. For back-end development, you need database management systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or MongoDB. Suitable for those who are interested in working with data and solving architectural problems.
Page Layout
Whether you choose front-end or back-end, you will have to interact with web pages. To do this, you need to learn HTML and CSS. HTML It is a hypertext markup language. Responsible for the structure and content of the page. It consists of tags, and a tag consists of a name enclosed between less than and greater than signs. For example: <h1>, <p>, <ul>.
Remember how you work with a document in a text editor. Write text, select fragments in italics or color, insert pictures or tables. A web developer does the same in the code editor using tags.
This is the language you use to style your markup. For example: make the text red, left-align it, round off the corners of images, play with fonts, indent more or less.
A browser-based programming language for frontend development. All popular browsers support it. Every website, every web application you have ever used contains JavaScript code. It is often recommended for newbies to learn because it is fairly simple, but contains all the fundamental things: the object-oriented model and data structures.
A server-side programming language that backers write in. It is designed specifically for web development – code written in it can be embedded in HTML.