CBD, also called cannabidiol, is now recognized for its benefits on health and well-being.
According to a study conducted by the WHO (World Health Organization), 260 million people worldwide suffer from stress and anxiety.
This psychological condition can unfortunately lead to panic attacks, anxiety attacks and even social phobia.
All of this can become very restrictive on a daily basis.
To remedy these anxiety disorders, many medications exist on the market.
However, some users claim to see no change and the side effects can sometimes be very harmful.
Another alternative, more natural and healthier, appeared a few years ago.
Ongoing scientific studies are beginning to claim that CBD can be effective in combating stress and anxiety.
Some individuals suffering from anxiety disorders have already adopted it and the results are convincing.
So let’s see together how CBD can act to fight against stress and anxiety?
How does CBD help reduce stress and anxiety ?

What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a psychological state, an emotion, that occurs when we face certain situations that threaten our personal well-being.
Anxiety can be lived without problems for individuals who manage to manage this emotion so as not to let it overwhelm them.
In this case, anxiety or stress do not present constraints in daily life and can even be beneficial in preparing for an emotionally strong situation.
Conversely, anxiety, if it becomes too imposing and occurs during non-anxiety situations, can cause what is called anxiety disorders.
Nervousness, trembling, shortness of breath, accelerated heart rate, headaches, sweating, a feeling of unease, the symptoms of an anxiety disorder are numerous and can be very disabling in everyday life.
You should also know that there are several types of anxiety disorders:
● Anxiety attacks or panic attacks
● Social phobia
● Generalized anxiety disorder
● Obsessive-compulsive disorder
● Post-traumatic stress disorder
Drug treatments such as antidepressants, which used to appear as the only solution to these psychological disorders, are now losing popularity to their more natural, healthier and more effective competitor: CBD.
The action of CBD on the brain to reduce stress and anxiety

Scientific research and studies are still few and far between.
The effectiveness of CBD to reduce stress and anxiety comes mainly from testimonies of consumers, claiming a decrease in their feelings of anxiety with the intake of CBD.
Moreover, many studies have been carried out on animals, especially rats and mice, and are therefore difficult to transpose to humans.
However, the few research studies carried out so far suggest that CBD acts directly on the brain to reduce stress and anxiety.
We can already affirm that CBD interacts with our brain at the level of our endocannabinoid system, and more exactly at the level of the 5-HT1A, GPR55, CB1 and CB2 receptors.
Taking CBD will then allow us to regulate our serotonin level (happiness hormone), which tends to decrease with the appearance of anxiety disorders, thanks to its action on the 5-HT1A receptors.
Too little serotonin can lead to chronic anxiety and must therefore be regulated.
Thus, by regulating this level of serotonin, CBD promotes a good mood and reduces the feeling of stress or anxiety.
But that’s not all. It could be that CBD also acts on the neurogenes of the hippocampus. We explain.
The hippocampus is located in our brain and plays a major role on several brain functions, including memory and cognition.
It turns out that in individuals with anxiety disorders, the hippocampus is smaller than normal.
It has also been proven that in order to cure depression or at least to fight against it, the birth of new neurons in the hippocampus is essential.
This birth of new neurons is called “neurogenesis”.
The consumption of CBD could then promote this neurogenesis and thus reduce the risks of depressive behaviors and anxiety disorders.
In short, CBD could calm the nervous system and relax the brain to find a feeling of serenity.
For several years, research and scientific studies have been flowing around CBD to prove its innumerable benefits on psychological disorders.
CBD and anxiety : the scientists’ point of view

Even if the research is still ongoing, some of it is quite representative and already allows us to establish correlations between CBD consumption and the reduction of anxiety and stress :
Let’s take a look at some of these studies:
● A study at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil was conducted in 2011 to prove the role of CBD on anxiety. So, out of two groups of individuals with anxiety disorders, one was given CBD and the other a placebo. The results showed that only those who received CBD experienced a decrease in anxiety.
● In 2013, a study in Great Britain conducted on 47 volunteers placed in anxious situations showed that those who consumed CBD reacted better and noticed a reduction in stress and anxiety.
● In New York, in 2015, a new study proved the effectiveness of CBD on our brain to reduce anxiety disorders, whatever they are. And it did so quickly and permanently.
● A year later, in 2016, Spanish researchers validated the tests done on animals before that affirmed the action of CBD on the release of serotonin in our brain.
● More recently, in 2019, a longer study was conducted. Out of 72 individuals with anxiety disorders, 56 responded that they felt a real change and claimed a reduction in anxiety and stress.
Does dosage, frequency, and mode of consumption have an effect on the effectiveness of CBD in reducing anxiety?
The mode of consumption
Concerning the mode of consumption, there are no prohibitions. Only, CBD oil appears to be the best solution. Very easy to consume by ingesting a few drops under the tongue, and very precise for the dosage, the oil is a powerful ally for your anxiety disorders. Moreover, the effects of CBD with oil are very fast. Thus, the calming effects are felt in a few minutes and last several hours. You can also opt for fleur de CBD or resin if this mode of consumption suits you better.
The dosage
It is strongly advised to start with small doses when you feel the need.
As you go along, and depending on your tolerance and the effects, you can increase the doses.
The dosage will also depend on the intensity of your anxiety disorder. Talk to your doctor to find your own balance.
To learn more about how you can consume CBD oil, read our article: How to consume CBD oil?
One of the advantages of CBD over drug treatments is that you don’t have to take a dose of CBD every day.
Consuming cannabidiol only when you are in an anxiety phase will be perfect for relaxing. As for the dosage, the frequency can also depend on your anxiety disorder.
For anxiety attacks, taking CBD during a panic attack will be enough to calm you down. For more chronic and generalized anxiety, taking CBD daily can be very effective.
Again, it’s mostly up to you, as long as CBD helps you reduce your anxiety.
Things to remember
Despite the fact that research is still not comprehensive, the few studies on the subject and the testimonies of consumers can lead to the conclusion that CBD plays an important role in reducing anxiety in individuals with anxiety disorders.
If drug treatments no longer suit you, CBD appears to be an effective solution to your stress and anxiety worries.
As for the dosage, the frequency and the way of consumption, we advise you to discuss the subject with your doctor who will be able to guide you better.