If you’re an avid Snapchat user, you may have come across the acronym “OMM” in your conversations with friends. But what does it mean? Is it a new slang term or a secret code? In this article, we’ll explore what do OMM mean in text and on Snapchat and its origins.
What Do OMM Mean In Text
First and foremost, OMM is a slang term commonly used on Snapchat. It stands for “on my mom” or “on my mama,” which is a way of emphasizing the truthfulness or seriousness of a statement. This phrase is often used by teenagers and young adults, and has become popular on social media platforms like Snapchat.
OMM Meaning on Snapchat

On Snapchat, OMM is typically used in response to a statement or question. For example, if someone asks “Did you really go to the party last night?” and you respond with “OMM, I was there,” it means that you are being truthful and you did attend the party. It can also be used to express agreement or confirmation, such as “OMM, that’s so funny!”
What Do OMM Mean In Text: Origins of OMM
The use of “on my mom” or “on my mama” as a way of emphasizing the truthfulness of a statement has been around for decades. It originated in African American communities and has been popularized in hip-hop culture. It has since spread to mainstream culture and is now commonly used on social media platforms like Snapchat.
Other Meanings of OMM
While “on my mom” or “on my mama” is the most common meaning of OMM, it can also stand for other phrases. Some people use OMM to mean “oh my my,” which is a way of expressing surprise or shock. Others use it to mean “one more month,” which is often used in countdowns or to express excitement for an upcoming event.
What Do OMM Mean In Text: How to Use OMM on Snapchat

If you want to use OMM in your Snapchat conversations, simply type it out in your message or use the text feature to add it to a photo or video. You can also use it in response to a friend’s message by tapping on the chat bubble and typing it in the text box. Just make sure you understand the context and meaning of OMM before using it in your conversations.
OMM and Other Slang Terms on Snapchat
OMM is just one of many slang terms used on Snapchat. Some other popular terms include “TBH” (to be honest), “LOL” (laugh out loud), and “WYD” (what are you doing). It’s important to keep up with these terms if you want to understand and participate in conversations on Snapchat.
Conclusion: What Do OMM Mean In Text
In conclusion, OMM is a slang term commonly used on Snapchat that stands for “on my mom” or “on my mama.” It is used to emphasize the truthfulness or seriousness of a statement and has its origins in African American communities. Now that you know the meaning of OMM, you can confidently use it in your Snapchat conversations.