One of the top rated, yet most commonly traded form of cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. It is a digital asset that is transferred, used and invested digital. You can easily make digital payments using Bitcoin. The best thing about crypto is that there is no 3rd party involvement.

Bitcoin is on the top of cryptocurrencies and many people have earned millions through mining.
The Creation of Bitcoin and Its Journey:
In 2008, a domain name known as was registered. In 2009, Bitcoin was publicly introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto. After that, it got famous globally and is well-known. As soon as other cryptocurrencies were introduced, its popularity increased. The competitors took the weak points of BTC to gain popularity but still Bitcoin is top rated.
It uses Blockchain technology for mining. It is a decentralized ledger system where no 3rd party is involved. All currency is created, traded, also distributed digitally. After so many years, still nobody knows who is the person behind invention of BTC.
How Bitcoin Works?
The coin rewards are halved after every 210,000 blocks. On each block discovery, the rewards are divided and make new bitcoins. There are 8 decimal places on which each bitcoin is divisible. The smallest unit or the token of BTC is called satoshi.
The amazing fact is that you can divide bitcoin in more decimal places as well. It is one of the simplest cryptocurrencies and anyone can easily understand it.

By owning Bitcoin, you will have a wallet through which you can send small portions of BTC to give payments and trade.
What is Blockchain technology in Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is part of blockchain technology. In simple words, it contains a shared database that stores and saves data. All data stored in blockchain is encrypted and no third part is allowed to decrypt it.
If you perform a transaction, a new block is created and all new data is stored in encrypted block. All transactions are verified by validators. These validators are miners who my the cryptocurrency.
Which algorithm is used by BTC?
There are several algorithms used by each cryptocurrency. BTC uses SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Through this algorithm, the data is encrypted and stored according to 256-bit hexadecimal number encryption technique. Each data in the block is linked to ledger and this ledger is blockchain.
Who are miners in BTC?
Miners are basically those networks involved that use to mine or create the cryptocurrency. The special software and hardware are used to solve the computer quizzes and then the cryptocurrency is created.
The transactions are verified by the miners. They solve the headers of each block and new block is created through which new bitcoins are added.
How Can Someone Mine Bitcoin?
As we told you earlier, there are specific hardware and software used to mine Bitcoin. At start, people used PCs to solve the puzzles and mine, but as new people joined, the puzzles became more complex. The miners compete and generate new hashes.
Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are the specific machines built to mine. They can easily generate almost 255 trillion hashes for each second.
How to become successful BTC miner?
There are several options to become a BTC miner. If you want to become a good miner of BTC, then you can choose one option. Below are the available options for you:
- You can use the existing PC network. But make sure that the software is compatible with BTC. After that, you can join a mining pool. The pools actually include a group of people who mine cryptocurrency. All of them combine the computational power to compete with big mining farms.
- If you have BIG amount, then all you can do is created a mining farm all by yourself and hire few people to help you mine while solving puzzles.
What are Alternative Options Than Mining a BTC?
If you do not want to go into mining, you can buy bitcoin. You can easily buy it from cryptocurrency exchange. As bitcoin is pricy and you cannot purchase the whole BTC. You can easily go for buying the portions through currency exchanges.
Digital world is growing and so is the new market is growing. Investing in bitcoin is right option if you want to save something big for future. There are many other cryptocurrencies as well, but for secure investment, bitcoin is the best option.