One thing is for sure: Angular is one of the programming languages that is widely used in various parts of the world. It is not a surprise that there are different companies that would like to find the right Angular .js developer that will provide them with the services that they need.
Why Do Businesses Choose Angular for Creating Different Products?

There are different tools that are available but businesses like choosing Angular because of different reasons. These are some of the possible reasons why:
- Faster Page Load Time – There are a lot of web visitors right now who are very particular about the time that they spend while visiting different websites. If they see that the website or the application is not loading as fast as they want it to, they will leave.
- Multiple Modules are Available for a Single Application – There are different modules that would need to depend on one another so that they will work properly. This is exactly what Angular can provide. It can be combined with different modules to make the app that is being created a success.
- Does Not Require Too Many Codes – Angular comes with a declarative framework. This will allow the developers to know how the app will look like when it is released. Further changes can be made to make it more ideal for a lot of potential users.
- Extensive Documentation Available – It is a known fact that there are different details that are available for Angular. It will not be hard for people to find the right answers that they are looking for whenever they need them.
- Angular developers are required to have good communication skills. They would need to constantly contact some backend developers. This will make sure that they are making the possible steps to improve the app or the website further. They have to make sure that all of those that are working on the website or the app is on the same page.
Angular is known to be one of the best choices when it comes to creating complex elements. The more familiar an Angular developer is with the Angular framework, the better the creation of the app will be.
Some Examples of Apps and Websites Created with Angular

There are a lot of websites and apps that were built with Angular that you probably did not know about. For example, a lot of people do not know that Netflix is also made with Angular. Netflix makes the animation, themes, and streaming options possible with the help of this framework. Other examples are the following:
- YouTube – A lot of people are familiar with YouTube. This is a type of platform wherein people can post and watch different videos with ease. There are millions of users worldwide and this is still one of the websites that people like to visit no matter what type of gadget they are using.
- JetBlue – A lot of Americans will probably be familiar with this. This is a type of low-cost airline available in the United States. This is meant to carry a lot of passengers so the website should have the ability to accommodate the requests of a lot of people.
- Gmail – This is probably one of the most popular email websites right now. A lot of people have emails using Gmail. The UX of apps that this website requires is amazing and they are all made using Angular.
- Forbes – This is one of the most visited websites in the world and this also makes use of Angular. There are different users that will have their own inquiries and Forbes will do their best in order to answer all of them. It has the ability to provide a lot of available topics so that people will be able to access the digital stories easily.
There are still a lot of websites and Angular applications that make use of Angular for all of their needs. It is very likely that businesses that want to come up with products that will be appreciated will make use of Angular as well.
How Much is the Cost of Hiring Angular Developers?

Angular developers are known to have a lot of responsibilities. They have to make sure that they can complete a fully functioning front-end app. They also have to make sure that the application can be used on different platforms. There are also other skills that they need to have such as the following:
- Writing different elements such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
- They also have to cooperate with backend developers to ensure that everything will work properly.
- Close communication is required so that external web services can be done properly.
Angular developers’ salary may change depending on the skills that they can offer. Most Angular software developers get paid around $72,000 to $104,000 annually. There are different factors that will affect the rates.
Some people would specifically look for Angular developers that are based in other countries because the rates may be lower. For example, in India, Angular developers would need to get paid Rs 452,000.

There are always going to be different factors that you should consider when hiring Angular developers. The more that you know, the easier it will be for you to find the right Angular .js developer that will provide the services that you need.